Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hong Kong - Day 1

We were scheduled to fly out Wednesday morning at 6:30am and I must have slept for just 1 hour the night before because I was so excited. I was up and getting ready by 3am. Our trip started out with a fantastic taxi driver who was well traveled and had a wonderful personality. We were greeted at the airport by the attendant who conducted the preliminary check in and he was so personable it just made the mood even better. Even Security seemed so pleasant and friendly.  I comented to Sean about the positive experience and we both agreed that everyone here in Singapore seem to enjoy their jobs.  Sean and Kylie slept thru part of the 3.5 hour flight something I have difficulty doing partly from how stressed I am about flying. This time though, I felt relatively calm and very excited that we were actually on our way to Hong Kong.

We had a fantastic time in Hong Kong and our wallets got an extensive workout. Kylie made out like a bandit as we enjoy shopping for her more than we do for ourselves. I remember commenting to Sean when we first got there that "wow this looks almost identical to China" and he said "we are in China". When I finally looked at a map I had no idea how close we were to Guangzhou. That was a duh moment for me and I don't mind sharing:-)  Enjoy the photos of our Day 1 which consisted of lots of shopping.

1 comment:

Kelly And Allison said...

Looks like a great start. Go easy on your wallets.. LOL. Have a great time, and remember you are in China!